My name is Johannes Striegel. I have been the choir director of the St. Martin’s Choir Boys Biberach since 1992. At the Leopold Mozart Conservatory in Augsburg, I graduated as a state-certified music teacher and full-time church musician. Since March 2021, I also direct the church choir of Biberach and regularly play the organ in our pastoral unit.

Voice coach
My name is Cäcilie Lechner. I have been accompanying the choir boys for a very long time. I have been the voice coach of the choir boys Biberach for 32 years. I make sure that the boys are constantly trained in their singing technique, so that on the one hand they are given the opportunity to train their voice continuously, and on the other hand it is prevented that the boys’ voice is overstrained by wrong singing techniques.

Organizational leader
Hello, my name is Lukas Saiger. I was born on 19.11.1998, come from Biberach and am a dual student of pharmaceutical biotechnology in Biberach. Since September 2016, I have been the organizational director of the St. Martin’s Choir Boys Biberach. Besides making music with the choir boys, my other hobbies are hunting and fishing. I started with the choirboys in 2004. After that I joined the choir as a soprano singer. Today after my voice broke, I now sing as a tenor singer with the male voices of the choir. As a young choirboy I was elected secretary and thus became a member of the choir management team. I held this position for two years, after which I became the organizational director of the choir boys. My tasks as organizational director are very diverse: I represent the choir in the Friends and Sponsors Association of the Choir Boys, chair the meetings of the choir, represent the choir and take on organizational tasks. Furthermore, I am the contact person for all things that need to be clarified in the choir.

Organizational team
We are the organizing team. Our task is to organize the annual two and a half week concert trip. The team is formed directly after the end of the trip by the choir members We are the organizing team. Our task is to organize and plan the annual two and a half week concert trip. Our team is elected every year by the choir members after the end of the trip and consists of five people. We organize the concert trips completely on our own. We write mails and messages to potential stations, take care of the financing, the bus, food and just everything that is needed for a good success of the trip. In the spring, we organize a trip to visit the stations for the upcoming trip, meet the contact persons personally on site and look at the performance venues. Our current organizing team consists of Andreas Zeh as leader, Emil Jakob, Joshua Beck, Levi Mayer and Simon Angele.

Choir management team
We are the choir management team. Our job is to organize and lead the choir through the choir year. We meet once a month and discuss upcoming performances, problems, purchases, and just about anything that needs to be organized in the choir. The CLT consists of three to five people. The choir director, organizational director and treasurer are members by virtue of their office. In addition, there are one or two assessors and a secretary, who are elected by the choristers’ meeting. At the moment Johannes Striegel as choir director, Lukas Saiger as organizational director, Lennart Weiß as treasurer, Elias Kibler as assessor and Marek Ehmann as secretary are members of the choir management team.

We are the heart of the choir. Since we have no employees, we as choristers, that is bass or tenor singers, organize the choir completely on our own. Together we form the choristers’ meeting, the most important decision-making body of the choir. Here all things concerning the choir can be discussed, decided, or rejected. Here we also elect our offices. Almost every choir member has an office, from violinist to music supervisor to organizational director, and thus an area for which he or she is responsible, but also accountable.
Of course we are also the contact person for parents and our little fellow singers. We see it as our most important task to take care of our soprano and alto singers and to be their mentor and confidant. Because as already said, in a choir one is nothing, only together we are a really strong team.